Saturday, December 4, 2010

Enjoy the Season

As time passes fast at the Welch's, we are as busy as the elves themselves. We love the holiday season and the wonderful traditions it brings with it. We first enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving with Terry's family. It is a wonderful blessing to have such a great family and one that loves us just as much as we love and appreciate them.
Christmas time is wonderful and we are going to school concerts, enjoying gingerbread houses, family parties, and of course shopping. It is all good.
Terry is spending aot of time in Baltimore on a case. The case is scheduled for 3 weeks. He should return Christmas Eve day. The girls are getting excited for Christmas. And Emily is getting ready for Christmas dance. She looks beautiful in her dress. (Pictures to come shortly). We love and hope all is enjoying the holiday season and we all wish all a "Merry Christmas" and a "Happy New Year!"

Monday, October 18, 2010

Road Trip

We just got back from a great road trip. We headed out thursday and went to Mount Rushmore. Mom has always wanted to see it. So with UEA and no school for two days we packed up the car and headed to South Dakota. The drive was wonderful and the the sites were great. We stopped at Sylvan Lake were they filmed National Treasure 2 and hiked around. Dad wished we had put his climbing gear in the car because there were great rocks to climb. Then we drove through Needles highway. And tunnels that were only about 9 feet wide. It was great to try and get the car through the tunnels. Then we finished the day with that sites at Mount Rushmore. The faces are amazing and were really big. We all enjoyed the the sites. On the way home we stopped at Martins Cove. We some of the pioneers found relief and a rescue party coming into the Salt Lake Valley. The girls loved pulling a handcart and imaging what it was really like.

Elder Welch is doing great and loving the serve he is doing in Peru. Nikki and Darrin are doing well in Ohio with law school and with work. They are enjoying the "adventure".

Monday, September 27, 2010

Becca's Baptism

Becca was baptized on Saturday September 25, 2010. We enjoyed the day with family and friends. Patrick sent us a tape with his testimony so we could listen to it at the baptism. We really enjoyed listening to him. Nikki was able to come home for a few days.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Life is Good

Everyone is settling into a schedule with school, homework, and jobs at  home. The girls are loving being back in school. (Well, the younger girls). I recieved a phone call on afternoon from Bro. Crawford (Lizzy's seminary teacher). He asked if this was Lizzy's mom, and told me who he was. I told him that he should be teaching seminary because I knew Lizzy was in his class at that time. He in turn said, "I would, but your daughter just passed out so we have called 911 and you."
As I got down to the seminary I found Lizzy sitting up but still not looking to good. She missed the next 2 days of school and spent over 6 hours at the ER trying to find out what is wrong. We will be adding a heart monitor to her appearal soon. But, for the most part she is okay. Still not her "spunky" self yet. But she will get there. That is the only excitement that has happened to the Welch's.

We recieved pictures from Elder Welch in Peru. He is doing great and working hard. But has time to enjoy the culture of Peru. LIFE IS GOOD - ENJOY IT DAILY

Like Father
Even thought Terry and Patrick are 100's of  miles away they seem to enjoy the same things. We love Life  :-)

Like Son

Thursday, August 26, 2010

More from the Welch's

The girls all headed back to school. They are all excited to be back and to learn more. Becca is in Mrs. Wycoff's 2nd greade class and Anna is in 6th grade Ms. Carlson's class. They both are excited to be in class. Lizzy is busy with 9th grade and Emily is going to be really really busy with all her hard classes she has as a junior in high school. They are great students and all very smart.

We spent the Friday before school at the Davis County Fair. Anna and Becca got to spend 10 minutes with a 4 week tiger cub. Her name was Gabby. They had a great time even though it was realy hot. We love summer but, hate to see it end. Enjoy School!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Catching up with the Welch's

On the road again...Nikki and Darrin moving to Ohio with Becca and our "flat Pat"

Swimming with the dolphins in Cabo San Lucas

Pointing to where Elder Welch will be for 2 years

Elder Welch at Macchu Picchu December 2009

Saying Good-bye to Nikki and Darrin in Ohio

Five beautiful Welch girls
As things have changed with our family we are trying to press forward. Nikki and Darrin were married June 10, 2009 and on August 13, 2010 we moved them to Dayton, Ohio were Darrin will start law school. Nikki found a job at a school nearby and started the Monday they got there.
Patrick is now Elder Patrick Welch. He has been serving in Peru, Lima Central Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is loving the people and finds each day full of adventures. He will be marking his year anniversary August 19.
Emily is starting her junior year at Viewmont High. The classes she will be taking will have her very busy and alot of studying. But, just like her dad she is very smart.
Lizzy will the the oldest at the Farmington Junior High. 9th grade watch out!!! She to is taking after her older sister with hard classes. But, loves her percussion class. She plays a mean drumset.
Anna will be the big 6th grade at Farmington Elementary. She is lookng forward to doing all the fun things that she has seen her brother and sisters do.
Becca is the smartest one going into 2nd grade. She makes her dad look not too smart at times. She is always saying things that catch us all of gaurd.
Terry and Cyrrena stay busy with just keeping up with the family.

The family enjoyed a week long trip to Disneyland and California Adventures and then climbed aboard a cruise ship off to the Mexican Riviera. The best part of the trip for us was just spending time with each other. And of course the shopping, the eating, more shopping, swimming with dolphins, and even shopping. It is a good thing that dad is a good sport when it comes to shopping with 5 girls. We love you dad!!

Then enjoying another ride to Ohio. 26 hours in a car one way. But, it wasn't bad. We enjoyed singing and counting cows! (great car game) Then saying good-bye to Nikki and Darrin was hard. But, with great love we were excited to see their new adventure begin.

School is around the corner and everyone is so excited, but mom. She once again will have a empty house and really nothing to do. (haha) Maybe she will have time to keep the blog up to date.